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Phoenix Protocol

This is another build that focuses heavily on your Well of Radiance super, and how often you can use. This is best used in activities like Wellspring, or Nightfalls. The more enemies that are killed by you and your team, the faster you can get your super back. While of course functional in any aspect of the game, it really shines in any 6 person activity.

Touch of Flame is a big increase in our grenade damage. Solar Grenades now lob out lava around the perimeter of the grenade, and increases the duration of the grenade. Both of these added bonuses increase the overall damage of the grenade exponentially. Heat Rises allows you to shoot your weapons while gliding. Consuming the grenade will allow you to float for much longer, and you gain increase directional control. This is really helpful for any jump puzzles in raids that you may encounter.

Ember of Searing
 will create Firesprites when killing any scorched enemy. It does have a short cooldown between activations. Firesprites provide grenade energy when collected. Ember of Char will spread scorch to all enemies within the vicinity of an ignition. This helps control the field and continuously spread scorch to everyone. Ember of Torches make you radiant when you hit enemies with your powered melee attack. Radiant increases your damage and the damage of anyone near you. Ember of Mercy will apply restoration to you and other when you revive allies. More importantly, you also gain restoration when you collect Firesprites.

Class Breakdown

Super : Well of Radiance


Touch of Flame & Heat Rises



Ember of Searing
Defeating scorched targets creates Firesprites

Ember of Char
Spread scorch stacks to enemies near one of your ignitions

Ember of Torches
Apply the radiant buff on successful melee attacks

Ember of Mercy
Gain restoration when collecting Firesprites


Healing Rift
Standing in the rift will provide a constant stream of healing

Burst Glide
Best overall movement jump for the Warlock.

Celestial Fire
Ranged scorching melee attack. Helps apply radiant.

Solar Grenade
Best grenade for this build. Spreading scorch and lava from the source.

Weapon Recommendation
Exotic Weapon(s)

Gjallarhorn is a great weapon to use not only for its own damage potential, but for it added benefit to helping your teammates rockets to more damage. The more kills you, and you team, get inside your well, the faster you’ll get it back.

Legendary Weapon(s)
Calus Mini-Tool

The Calus Mini-Tool SMG can roll with Incandescant which is very strong with any scorching build. Highly recommended in this build.

Cartesian Coordinate

This is a great rapid-fire fusion rifle that can output great damage. With the Vorpal weapon perk, it is great for bosses.


Cataclysmic is amazing for boss damage. It is particularly powerful for any distant DPS requirement.

Perk Recommendation

Incandescant or Demolitionist

Any weapon with Incandescant is ideal for this build. Because Incandescant will Scorch targets for each final blow. The more scorch stacks on enemies the better since it helps with solar ignitions as well. You could also get away with Demolitionist, it won’t synergize quite as well with this build, but it will help you keep your grenade energy charged.

Armor Stat Priority


Armor Mod Recommendation


Solar Siphon/Harmonic Siphon
Either one of these siphons works for the build. Recommend using the less expensive one that is currently available.


Ashes to Assets
Generate super energy on grenade kills.


Font of Wisdom (opt)
Increase Intellect for a short while.


Grenade kills create Orbs of Power


Bolstering Detonation (opt)
Generate class ability energy when dealing grenade damage.


Element Resistance
Use the appropriate element resistance that corresponds with the activity you are doing.


Solar Weapon Surge
While having active armor charges, your Solar weapon damage is increased.

Reduce grenade cooldown with each Orb of Power pickup

Absolution (opt)
Reduce all ability cooldowns with each Orb of Power pickup.


Time Dilation
You can retain armor charges for a longer period of time

Reduce your grenade cooldown when you use your class ability